If you’re looking for inspiration and re-direction in your personal or professional life, you’ve found a fountain of conversations to offer you just that directly from our main stage at #WeAllGrow Summit.
For the first time, all of our #WeAllGrow Summit main-stage sessions are live on YouTube! We’re offering you the opportunity to dive into 26 exclusive sessions and conversations from our Sanctuary of Joy. Summit may have been three weeks ago, but the impact of our sessions and conversations on stage continues to ripple throughout the community. There have been breakthroughs, brave decisions, and deep healing. So, if you were unable to join us in person in Palm Desert or tune in for the live stream, you can now tap into the medicine of these transformational conversations and keynotes. We hope it will transport you into the portal of joy that has shifted our mindsets and opened our hearts.
There is a lot of inspiration & wisdom to explore from the list of conversations below. Each one falls under one of our pillars: Heal, Commune, Grow. Let your heart guide you to the conversation that you most need to hear.
Enjoy, watch, and share, amiga!
You can find the watch page here.

On Healing:
- Poetry that Unlocks Your Joy
- Shedding Yourself Old Skin to Reclaim Joy
- Letters to My Younger Self
- Grounding in Joy and Setting Intention
- Mujer Mariposa: Poems for Self-Love
- Surrender to the Change

On Commune:
- Welcome to #WeAllGrow Summit Sanctuary of Joy
- Opening: Conexión y Reconocimiento
- Powerful Words by Our Founder Ana Flores
- Our Latinidad Is Our Super Power, presented by HBO Max Pa’lante
- Creating Cultúra: Latinas Changing the Game, presented by Amazon

On Growth:
- Manifest Joy
- Powerful Words by Our Founder Ana Flores
- Shedding Yourself Old Skin to Reclaim Joy
- Letters to My Younger Self
- Creating Cultúra: Latinas Changing the Game, presented by Amazon
- The Power and Joy of Standing in Your Truth
- Igniting Change Juntas
- Our Future Our Leaders

Entrepreneurship & Leadership:
- Opening: Conexión y Reconocimiento
- The Impact of Representation in the Media
- Creating Cultúra: Latinas Changing the Game, presented by Amazon
- Being the Other: An Unstoppable Force
- The Power and Joy of Standing in Your Truth
- Our Future Our Leaders

- Opening: Conexión y Reconocimiento
- The Impact of Representation in the Media
- Our Latinidad Is Our Super Power, presented by HBO Max Pa’lante
- Being the Other: An Unstoppable Force
- Creating Cultúra: Latinas Changing the Game, presented by Amazon
- Igniting Change Juntas

- Transformative Conversation
- Poetry that Unlocks Your Joy
- Shedding Yourself Old Skin to Reclaim Joy
- Letters to My Younger Self
- Grounding in Joy and Setting Intention
- Mujer Mariposa: Poems for Self-Love


About the Author
Chantelle Bacigalupo
Chantelle Bacigalupo is #WeAllGrow Latina’s Editorial Staff Writer. She is a Bolivian-American photographer, multimedia journalist, and activist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work focuses on issues ranging across immigration, social & environmental justice, preserving Indigenous cultures, and reproductive justice. You can read more of her pieces here.