Taurus season is here, and with it, we welcome beloved mercury in reggaeton and a powerful Lunar Eclipse on May 5th to shake us back into alignment. Our amiga Esoteric Esa has your horoscope for the season, so you can hone in themes that will support your evolution.
Taurus season brings the arrival of abundance. Feeling luxurious, amiga? It’s that Tauro energy influencing you to treat yourself and raise your vibration. Taurus is an Earth element in astrology, which is best known as the bull of the zodiac. Why would this Venus-ruled zodiac sign be represented by an animal that doesn’t seem so lavish?
A bull is dependable and strong, and their determination gives Aries a good run for their money. A Taurus and a Capricorn will embody what hard work looks like, but Taurus can also teach you what true self-care is. They understand relaxation to be a sacred ritual that many people overlook.
It’s a season of feeling driven and dedicated to yourself. Taurus season is major jefa energy. It’s your season, amiga! You’ll be feeling sensual and magnetic with this Taurus season energy, thanks to it being ruled by Venus. You can tap into the ability of using divine feminine sensuality as a powerful manifesting tool now through May 20th before Taurus season concludes. Venus is the planet of charm, beauty, and pleasure. This is a season best spent pampering yourself, and consider it a method of recharging your batteries.
Mercury retrograde is occurring now through May 14th in the sign of Taurus. Yes, during Taurus season. Before you head to the hills to isolate and avoid any human connection, relájate. Literally, a Taurus would tell you to “relax.” Honestly, in moments of crisis, a Taurus will keep you grounded and guide you through. Get you a Taurus baddie in your inner circle, y’all.
Back to Mercury in gatorade; this is a time of not avoiding major decisions. Situations involving your stability, such as finances and life transitions, will come up this retrograde because it’s happening in Taurus. This is a time of testing your true connection to your intuitive voice and analyzing the direction in life you desire to develop. Don’t hesitate to make risky moves during this retrograde because the reward is abundantly awaiting. As always, ask for a second opinion, read the fine print on the paperwork, and seek the appropriate counsel from professionals needed to make the best decisions for you.
Taurus season hosts a powerful Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5th to help you symbolically rebirth areas of life you feel are ready for endings. It’s going to get honest, raw, and uncomfortable in May. Discomfort is the seed of growth. Dig deep and bloom, chula.
Read on for your Taurus season horoscope for both your sun and rising signs.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
You just wrapped up a supercharged solar eclipse in your sign in April that gave you some well-deserved full-circle moments. The momentum of this energy will last you well into next year. Bask in the glory, Aries. Taurus season could bring some friction to your relationships. Not only love, but interpersonal dynamics. Miscommunication issues could set you backtracking and having to redo plans. Take your time and move with peace and a practical pace. This isn’t a season of stampeding. It’s a moment of reconnecting with your mind, body, spirit, and Mother Earth.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
We are screaming how much we love you, Taurus! Happy solar return (birthday) season. As a fixed sign in Astrology, you love nothing more than a good set of plans with no unnecessary interruptions. However, this Mercury retrograde is transiting in your zodiac home. You might feel agitated and irritated during your birthday season, as you’ll have to navigate handling releasing expectations and learning to be adaptable. However, you’re open to the challenge because this month, you have the Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5th, inspiring you to wash away the power struggles. You’re embodying a true mindset of gratitude and wealth as you learn to lean into your manifesting abilities through the power of the sacred feminine. Surrender: a mantra of becoming. You’ll unfold in ways that once seemed unconventional to you. Ascending into a wiser version of yourself this month. You can only meet others as deeply as you’ve met yourself. And so it is.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Now that Mars has left your sign, things are moving for you. You might have felt plateaued up until now. Taurus season is fueling you with some much-needed financial security. Finances will be a key focus in a healthy way. You can anticipate this to be a season of good fortune. Getting ready to launch a product or program? Ready to level up into a higher pay? This Mercury retrograde in Taurus is inspiring you to think bigger. It’s a great time to prepare and strategize for your financial goals. It’s a chatty month for you as well. Your social life brings in new connections or friendships as you align with other individuals on a similar path. This is a time to ask for more in life. Go for it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
You could be feeling run down this month, water sign. Lethargic and yearning to rest. On the other side of the coin, you want to do more. It can be a month of contradictory energy for you, so do what feels safe and right. Mars is transiting your sign, making this need to accomplish more subconsciously dominate your mind. However, there’s a saying that goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” Cancer. This Mercury retrograde in Taurus is sextile your sign, which is positive. Your mind will be racing throughout retrograde and mostly with inspirational ideas. Get started with a practical approach thanks to Taurus’ energy supporting you.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Now that Pluto has entered Aquarius, which is opposite your sign, the cosmos are hinting at your pending personal revolution. You’ll spend the entire year reviewing your daily routine and questioning any rigid programming that has kept you stuck. Taurus season has you primarily focused on family matters. You could be spending more time with your family creating memories as trinkets of treasure as you tap into a gratitude attitude. Investing in your home and where you spend most of your time incubating is well worth charging up your expense report. Revolutionizing your sanctuary will give you the abundant and inspiring energy you’ve been craving. Now go paint those walls and buy those new bedsheets, Leo. Have fun.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
This Taurus season, you’re throwing all rules out the window. You might find your typical routine, and your pragmatic self is veering towards the dark side of letting loose! You’re learning how to lean into ease. Mercury retrograde is simultaneously inspiring you to buckle down on a healthier mindset. Your self-confidence will be sky-high this Taurus season thanks to your affirmations and positive self-talk. Something might struggle with from time to time as an Earth sign is being so hard on yourself. Allow yourself a moment of freedom this month when you feel you’re being overly restrictive with expected outcomes. The mind is what you make of it.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Investing in your health is a top priority, Libra. You’re focused on being of service to yourself and learning how to nurture yourself. You’re great at caring for others, which can sometimes result in a loss of being able to meet your needs. That’s changing for the better this Taurus season. It’s a good time to seek out talk therapy or journal as healing modalities to support your efforts. Health matters concerning your loved ones can also interfere with your daily responsibilities. Plan accordingly. It’s a time to get disciplined and organized with your time and what matters most to you.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Love is on the brain for you this Taurus season. Relationship matters take center stage, especially with Mercury retrograde bringing back lingering pending patterns that need to be resolved to transcend your love efforts. You could hear of a relationship close to you ending if it’s not your own. If love is all good and you haven’t had any significant issues in your relationship, expect money-related matters to bring some tiny disagreements. For single Scorpios, you’re focused on self-love this Taurus season. Plan that amigas trip and go for a retreat. Visit another country or visit that spa and get your eat, love, and pray on.
Sagittarius (October 23 – November 21)
You’re focused on depth and debt, Sag. Taurus season has you revisiting looming debt to yourself. Where have you shortchanged yourself? Where can you show up for yourself more? In what ways? What relationships or experiences feel shallow where there should be more depth? So many questions, which isn’t overwhelming for you. You’re the philosopher of the zodiac. You’re constantly seeking more meaningful connections and exchanges. However, the Scorpio eclipse on May 5th is bringing an important ending to a way of life that has served its purpose. You’re finding new meaning this Taurus season and transforming spiritually. This is a time when you will be psychically open as well.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Taurus season is activating your house of travel and spirituality. You could take up learning a new culture or spiritual approach thanks to Mercury retrograde in Taurus. Money might feel like it’s paused, but that’s only because your money sector is getting ready to regenerate. Once Mercury goes direct by May 15th, you can anticipate the energy of money to flow to you. Additionally, it’s a great season to take up a new coach, mentor, or teacher. You can’t do it all alone, Cap. Asking for help is something you’re learning to be okay within this lifetime. Ask, and you shall receive.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Career is strong for you this Taurus season, Aqua. With Pluto now transiting your sign, you’re feeling a strong urge to make big moves in your profession. This is the time to implement new protocols or new projects in your career. If any big ideas scare you – do it. It’s time for your expansion into greatness. An old idea can visit you like a ghost from the past, asking for a second chance. Sit with it because it’s worth exploring. Sometimes things don’t happen as planned because there’s divine orchestration at play. What feels organic is your intuition guiding you at this time. Don’t force, but flow.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You’re feeling outgoing and very social this Taurus season. As a water sign, you tend to be a homebody, and there’s nothing wrong with that. This Mercury retrograde lights up your social sector, and you’re busy with a stacked calendar of events. Enjoy this vivacious energy of Taurus season, Pisces, but be mindful of recharging as needed. If you’re not grounding and protecting your energy, you might feel energetically wiped out by the end of May 20th. Make the best of this season by catching up with old and new friends. Make those plans and follow through. It’ll be fun, amiga.

About the Author
Esoteric Esa (Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad)
Esoteric Esa is a writer, astrologer, tarot reader and expert in the spiritual fields. Her work has been published in HipLatina, Mitú, PopSugar and Cosmopolitan as a contributing writer. Her work focuses on eliminating negative misconceptions around taboo subjects in Latinx Spirituality such as astrology, brujería, and decolonial work. She is the host of Better Work Bitch! podcast and creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle deck.
Twitter: @JGAlejandrez
Instagram: @esoteric_esa
Connect with her via Patreon at www.patreon.com/esotericaesa or www.souliminati.com