Ivelyse Andino Reimagines Health Care For Historically Silenced Communities


Ivelyse Andino, the founder and CEO of Radical Health, is a visionary healthcare abolitionist and health equity strategist who centers communities that have often been silence and ignored.

Ivelyse Andino dares to reimagine and create the future of health for our communities. After experiencing firsthand how complex, lonely, and scary the healthcare system was and hearing countless friends’ stories facing the same treatment, she took action and is now the founder and CEO of Radical Health, the first Latina-owned-and-operated Benefit Corp in NYC. She is a visionary healthcare abolitionist and health equity strategist building communities at the intersection of health, equity, and tech.

Leading with curiosity and a desire to reimagine a new way, Ivelyse is a known leader and trailblazer in health tech, health equity, and the integral ways to center communities that have often been silenced and ignored. Ivelyse’s mission is to engage and equip all people to understand and advocate for their health in ways that meet them where they are through meaningful conversations.

We each deserve access to a healthcare experience that listens to us, believes us, and welcomes our whole selves, and Ivelyse Andino continues to build toward this vision con todo corazón and con impacto.

Astrology sign:


How do you define being a Latina of Impact?:

Being a Latina of impact means that you’re often doing the hard work and not seeing the results upfront. It’s work that most people don’t initially understand, can’t imagine, and is often unsupported, but you do it anyway because you know it matters.

This work is not a solo act. Everything from the initial dreams and ideas shared to the laughs over coffee to the tears shed during the struggle truly defines impact as a community effort. It’s not just about the wins, changes, and impact we make; it’s also about the communal process of sharing those experiences with the surrounding community.

Impact isn’t just what we create; it’s how we create. The small moments, the day-to-day details, and the tiny connections are all the grounding for being a Latina of impact.

How does your WHY play a role in your mission, vision, and work in this world?

I didn’t always know my why. For many years, I knew how to work hard, be kind, and keep learning. I struggled to watch many people with clear purpose and passion live out their impact in work and life.

It took me a long time to realize that my why was always there, bubbling beneath the surface. It was the moments that grieved, enraged, and yet still inspired me.

Throughout my life, I either experienced, saw firsthand, or heard stories from friends on how complex, lonely, and scary the healthcare system was for our people. In each of those experiences, no matter how heartbreaking – my posture was always one of curiosity and ways to make it a different experience.

Today, that bubbling curiosity and passion for people is my why. It began as a subtle but strong instinct and has developed into a strong current that guides me. The “why” was my initial spark to get started, continues to sustain me, and on the hard days of which there are too many to count – reminds me that the work I do is legacy work in honor of those before me, those alongside me, and especially for the others who come after.

What is your vision for Latinas in your respective space, and how do you see supporting emerging Latinas who also want to make an impact like yourself?:

My vision for Latinas in this space is a place where they can bring their whole selves—all of their identities, beliefs, and experiences—to this work and use that to make a change.

As a Black Puerto Rican in healthcare for most of my career, I felt like I had to either show the best parts of me or watered-down pieces of my story or identity to be seen, heard and do this work. I think about the future. I envision a place where we can show up, where our culture is celebrated, the community is supported, and the quality of our work is not questioned. Furthermore, I also see a place where we rest, dream, and build. Often, the work of making an impact is overwhelming, incessant, and isolating. My vision is for others to be able to do this work in a way that is restorative and regenerative.

My commitment is always to hold space for emerging impact builders. Sharing the lessons learned, creating spaces for connection, vulnerability, honesty, and tactical strategy. Holding the space, where it’s not just about the wins and progress made, but real space for the stumbles and losses with extra hands to help you get back up and keep going.

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About the Author

Chantelle Bacigalupo

Chantelle Bacigalupo is #WeAllGrow Latina’s Editorial Staff Writer. She is a Bolivian-American photographer, multimedia journalist, and activist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work focuses on issues ranging across immigration, social & environmental justice, preserving Indigenous cultures, and reproductive justice. You can read more of her pieces here.




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