Latinas in the C-Suite are Essential for Business Success


Latina CEO, Latinas in the C-Suite, Latina Founder, Latina speaker, Hispanic Heritage Month, #Weallgrow

As a Latina executive who has navigated the complex landscape of corporate America for over two decades, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of diversity in leadership. Let me be clear: When Latinas lead, everyone wins. Period. But the journey to the top isn’t easy, and the statistics paint a sobering picture of the challenges we face.

The Reality Check

In 2023, only 1 in 4 C-suite leaders is a woman, and a mere 1 in 20 is a woman of color. For every 100 men promoted to manager, only 76 Latinas receive the same opportunity. Perhaps most staggering is the wage gap: Latinas earn just 57 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. These numbers aren’t just disheartening; they’re a call to action.

Throughout my career, I’ve encountered countless stereotypes and biases. There’s a pervasive myth that Latinas are domestic and lack career ambition – a notion that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, studies show that Latinas are just as ambitious as their white male counterparts. Yet, these stereotypes persist, creating invisible barriers to our advancement.

I vividly remember a pivotal moment in my career that crystallized the challenges we face. I was in an executive role at a major financial technology company, about to present an innovative payment app to the leadership of a Latin American gas station empire. As I walked into the boardroom, I was acutely aware that I was the only woman in a role that didn’t involve being a receptionist or serving coffee.

Before the meeting began, the head of the company slid a notepad in my direction, saying, “So you can take notes.” Time stood still for a moment. Here I was, the product lead, surrounded by men who reported to me, being mistaken for a secretary. I smiled – because in these situations, we always have to smile – and said, “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I’m giving the presentation. This is my team, and I am the head of product.

The look on his face was priceless, but what really struck me was the reaction of the two women who had come in to take our coffee orders. The surprise and elation in their eyes made me realize that this moment wasn’t just for me. It was for every woman who’s been treated like the note-taker, the party planner, the organizer without ever getting credit for her work.

“The surprise and elation in their eyes made me realize that this moment wasn’t just for me. It was for every woman who’s been treated like the note-taker, the party planner, the organizer without ever getting credit for her work… When Latinas lead, everyone wins.”

Vanessa Santos.  Partner & CEO of #WeAllGrow

The Latina Advantage

What many see as baggage, we should reframe as our toolkit. Growing up as a first-generation Latina, the eldest daughter in my family, I felt the weight of generational expectations. Little did I know that managing the chaos of my childhood would prepare me for managing chaos in business.

Our ability to navigate multiple cultures, communicate across divides, and weather seasons of hardship aren’t just nice-to-haves. They’re superpowers in the corporate world. We are the true KPIs of success – and I don’t mean Key Performance Indicators. We are: Key Assets, we Perform whether under pressure or with ease, and we help Indicate culture. Latinas are a driving force in our economy and decision-makers in our households and immediate networks. Therefore making us the ideal candidates to lead and nourish teams.

I’m Making A Business Case for Diversity

The business case for diversity is clear and compelling. Companies with diverse executive boards enjoy 95% higher returns on equity. Diverse teams are 70% more likely to capture new markets. It’s not just about fairness; it’s about driving innovation and boosting the bottom line.

In today’s global marketplace, the ability to understand and connect with diverse customer bases is crucial. Latinas bring a unique perspective that can help companies tap into new markets and better serve existing ones. Our cultural fluency and adaptability are invaluable assets in an increasingly interconnected world.

Charting the Path Forward: What can we do to change the narrative and create more opportunities for Latinas in leadership? Here are five actionable steps:

  1. Create visible, actionable pipelines for Latinas from manager to C-suite roles. This means actively identifying high-potential Latina employees and providing them with the resources and opportunities to advance.
  2. Foster sponsorship programs where leaders actively champion Latina talent. Mentorship is valuable, but sponsorship – where leaders advocate for and create opportunities for Latinas – is crucial.
  3. Encourage salary transparency to close the wage gap. When we shine a light on pay disparities, we can begin to address them.
  4. Implement cross-generational mentorship programs. This allows for the exchange of knowledge and experiences across different career stages, benefiting both mentors and mentees.
  5. Recognize and value the unique perspectives Latinas bring to leadership. Our experiences and cultural backgrounds are assets, not liabilities.

To my fellow Latinas: Your voice matters. “Calladita no te ves mas bonita.” Speak up, advocate for yourself, and lift up your amigas. Your success paves the way for generations to come.

To allies and decision-makers: Look at your current team. Where can you elevate Latina talent to help achieve your goals? Give us a chance, and watch your organization thrive.

The future of business isn’t just diverse – it’s Latina. Let’s build it together. Because when Latinas lead, innovation flourishes, perspectives broaden, and businesses thrive. It’s time to shatter the glass ceiling and create a new paradigm of leadership – one that reflects the rich diversity of our world and unleashes the full potential of Latina talent.

Latina CEO, Latina Founder, Latina Business Owner, Vanessa Santos, #Weallgrow

About The Author

Vanessa Santos, CEO & Partner of #WeAllGrow and creator of Amigahood Elevate, is a transformative force in the global brand landscape. With over 16 years of executive leadership, she has pioneered innovative strategies for industry giants and scaled startups to international success. Her expertise has not only delivered billions in revenue but has redefined the socio-economic advancement of women of color. As co-creator of the Amigas Circle Conversation Cards, Vanessa continues to shape a future where Latinas thrive with purpose.

Seeking a supportive community to elevate your career and business? Look no further than Amigahood and Amigahood Elevate, our digital sanctuaries designed to nurture your professional journey. Our free Amigahood space welcomes all, while Amigahood Elevate offers an enhanced membership experience for those ready to take their growth to the next level.

Sources: McKinsey, Wharton At Work, LeanIn.Org




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