I believe the stories we tell ourselves become the world we live in – on a personal and collective level. Have you discovered the narratives that keep you bound? You have the power to rewrite the narrative.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the narrative I’ve identified with for some time: ‘ni de aquí, ni de allá’ – neither from here nor there. For many of us who relate to this sentiment, we find a sense of belonging in not belonging…anywhere. In acknowledging the sometimes uncomfortable reality that all the parts of ourselves might not fit or be accepted by the human-constructed boxes of any given place.
On good days, my lived nuances feel universal. On bad days, I feel fragmented. And so I’ve dedicated years to pursuing the whispers of belonging, in hopes of finding wholeness. And it led me back to my roots. To the grit of the Andes mountains; to the vibrancy of la Amazonia. To the shadows of my lineage and a resilience that keeps me humble.