Here are 3 phrases to help you ride the ebbs and flows of life in full trust. The words you use in your head and out loud cast spells, so choose them wisely.
The language we use to digest the world around us is important – so how can we shift our mindset to digest this life in an expansive and empowering way despite the challenges we’ll inevitably face. Take some time to intentionally select phrases that feed the attitude and perspective you would like to embody.
I’ve selected three phrases that serve as tangible mindsets to embrace and program into your mind. Sometimes it takes time to reprogram our minds in choosing the neural pathways that encourage expansion over fear, so be patient with yourself. Some easy ways to begin anchoring them into your being is by writing them on post-it notes and putting them on your mirror or by your desk. Make a point to say them to yourself in the mornings and evenings. Write them weekly in your journal. Share how you’ve been applying them to your life with a friend. Before you know it, these mindsets will just be who you are.
Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you.
Change is the only constant in life, and sometimes the change we are faced with isn’t necessarily what our first choice would have been. When we are faced with a circumstance that is not desirable, we have two choices. We can choose the victim path, spiraling into a sense of impotence, despair, or a whole other slew of emotions that allow us to feel stuck. Or, we can choose to welcome the idea that life is happening FOR you. It’s easier said than done, but even repeating the phrase a few times in the most harrowing of situations creates an aperture in your spirit to hear what your higher self is saying. Perhaps there is something bigger at play. Perhaps there is a solution you hadn’t considered before.
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About the Author
Chantelle Bacigalupo
Chantelle Bacigalupo is #WeAllGrow Latina’s Editorial Staff Writer. She is a Bolivian-American photographer, multimedia journalist, and activist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work focuses on issues ranging across immigration, social & environmental justice, preserving Indigenous cultures, and reproductive justice. You can read more of her pieces here.