It’s time to connect with your innermost self, amiga! Wellness Day is back for a third year with an invitation to heal in community, deepen mindfulness, and explore holistic health practices to align your connection with self and experience transformative shifts in your personal and professional life. This is a day que todas necesitamos and we invite you to treat yourself to propel growth from a beautiful and healed space.
Mainstage Sessions
Breakout Sessions
7:30 AM
Registration Opens
Buenos DÃas Group Wellness Sessions
– Morning Slow Flow Yoga
  With Tiffany Leo
– Unleashing My Inner Strength
  With Kat Novoa
8:00 AM
Divine Breakfast Bites
8:30 AM
Latina Makers Market
Presented by Capital One
Sponsor Pop-Ups
9:00 AM
Mainstage Community Moments
Opening Community Blessing
With Alex “Purple” & Sarah McMillan
Official Welcome
By #WeAllGrow Founder, Ana Flores
Tea Time
With Ancestral and Generational Healing Expert, Dr. Mariel Buqué
10:40 AM
Nourishment Break
11:00 AM
Mid-Morning Heal Sessions
Tapping Into Our Sacred Sexuality and Pleasure
With Virginia Novello
Healing the Broken Heart: A Grieving Ceremony & Circle
With Botanica Melo – Claudia Melo & Nalani Hernandez-Melo
Bendición Mami: A Kundalini Cord Cutting Ritual for the Mother Wound
With Brujas of Brooklyn – Dr. Griselda Rodriguez-Solomon & Dr. Miguelina Rodriguez Â
How Trauma is Hijacking Your Intuition
With Dari Luna
Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Once and For All
With Wendy Amara
Get Rooted: Dare to live your most authentic life
With Robyn Moreno
Reclaiming The Bruja Archetype
With EsotericEsa, Jazmin Alejandrez-Prasad
12:00 PM
Nourishment Break
12:30 PM
 Mainstage Community Moments
1:15 PM
Beach Picnic Lunch
2:45 PM
 Mid-Afternoon Heal Sessions
Breathe in Your Dreams (Sueños): A Manifesting Workshop
With Ana Lilia
Reclaiming Self-Expression & Creative Joy through Improv Para El Alma
With Vanessa Codorniú
Healing the Wounds of Parentification
With Adriana Alejandre
The Dream World As A Vehicle For Healing
With Rocio Navarro
Sexology Class: How to Enjoy More Pleasure and Love Your Body
With Rebecca Alvarez Story
Tap into Power That Liberates
With Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza
Connect To Your Higher Self For Divine Guidance
With Nikki Novo
3:45 PM
Nourishment Break
4:15 PM
Community Moments: Leading the Way Forward
A conversation with meditator and #1 New York Times bestselling author Yung Pueblo
5:00 PM
Ecstatic Dance: A Celebration of Your Innermost Self
With Primitiva MovMnt – Zulema & Sarah McMillan