It’s time to sign 2022’s yearbook and wish it goodbye because 2023 is the year of your inner bebesota unleashed for your zodiac sign. 2023’s astrology is filled with big uterus energy thanks to the Aries Solar Eclipse on April 20th and the Libra Lunar Eclipse on October 14th morphing you out of 2022’s señora era and into an empowered manifesting mami. We’re calling it the year of awakened inspiration.
As one would say, “it’s time to rearrange those chanclas” – oh wait, chakras, because 2023 is serving you with mercury retrogrades and full moon fiestas that are guaranteed to ignite your confidence, passion and pioneering spirit. You can expect 2023 to give you a boost of energy pa’ ponerse las pilas as you tackle your jefa list and accomplish those personal goals. You could say 2022 was a year of introspection, pause, and transformative work. This year provides your zodiac a healthy balance of creativity, play, and reciprocity.
Here’s what the stars have to say. Read on for your rising and sun sign’s 2023 astrological zodiac horoscope to get in on the planetary party.

This year is yours for the taking. With the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter transit occurring in your sign, this is prime time, baby. Aries, think big and go big. You’ll accomplish throughout the year as you’ll have the most motivation out of all the Zodiac signs. However, it’s also important to stay grounded this year as you tackle your long list of to-dos. Never a dull moment in 2023 because you’ll have many opportunities orbiting your way. Say yes to what matters most. Your affirmation this year is “I am.” You’ll be focused on self-improvement and redefining your identity. Your love sector will also be front and center, paving the way for singles to anticipate new love and those in committed partnerships to re-evaluate core values.

As a fixed Earth sign, last year was challenging to say the least, because it tested your faith. Money has been up and down for you likely since 2018, and it’s safe to say financial obligations will take up much of your time again. You’ll feel called to get organized and restructure your daily approach to life as you toss out routines that have been keeping you stagnant. Great momentum in your mental and physical health initiatives can be achieved this year, considering the amplified determination you’re tapping into thanks to the Lunar Eclipse happening in your sign on October 28th. Your affirmation this year is “I embrace.” You’ll focus on building wealth, letting go, and spiritual matters. It’s a year of investing in your abundant mindset. Be mindful of taking on new debt, and if possible, avoid new debt until 2024.

Mars has been in your sign since August of 2022, and stations direct from being retrograde there on January 12th, where it soon after exits March 25th. All this to say, come March, you’ll begin to move away from any looming indecisiveness. You’ve spent the last few months reflecting and connecting with your true desires. This year is supporting you to make career shifts and tackle limiting beliefs. Your affirmation this year is, “I allow.” Your sectors of money, work, and secrets will be up for evaluation. Where are you refraining from yourself? How can you allow more trust into 2023? You’ll be focused on discovering your magic, conquering shadow work and navigating higher levels of awareness. It’s a great year to take up study in higher education or learn about metaphysical subjects. Travel is possible this year and love will have to sit on the back burner most of the year.

Balancing your professional and family life will be where you invest most of your time in 2023. This is the year to ask for that raise or position yourself for a promotion. Your professional sector is receiving high recognition in 2023. Congrats, Cancer! There’s a lot of achievement circulating after a quiet 2022. Your affirmation this year is, “I deserve.” You’ll feelg charismatic, flirtatious and enthusiastic for what’s to come. Along with this newfound confidence, there’s much opportunity to focus on your secret passions. If you’ve been plotting to take up an old passion project or hobby, do it. It’s a year of artistry and self-expression. What do you allow yourself to healthily indulge in because you deserve it? Healing old self-worth wounds will come to a close this year as you take notice of all your progress to incorporate self-love. We love this for you, Cancer. Additionally, setting continuous healthy boundaries with family is a prominent theme in 2023.

As a fixed fire sign, last year was unraveling opportunities to practice better self-care. This year, you’re encouraged to allow support from others. Diving deeper into vulnerability, the eclipses will highlight where you think you lack. How can you morph that lack into fertility? There’s an emphasis on healing your throat chakra (communication) and reconnecting to the strength of your inner child. Your affirmation this year is, “I believe.” Your faith will carry you through as you heal and rest in 2023. This year will support you in exploring your healing journey, developing your spiritual practice, and exploring inspiration through cultures outside your own. It’s a good year to travel and relocate. A move in residence or career is highly probable as well. Deep down, you’re the charming lover of the Zodiac. With that, you’ll have a few admirers enter in 2023. It’s looking good for singles in the love department. Have fun, Leo.

It’s all about love and romance, bb. Es el año de amor, and we’re here for it. If you’re in a relationship, you can expect commitment to progress into the next steps of what your heart desires. This year is supporting you in taking on new alliances and partnerships. You’ll feel inspired to network outside your usual social circles and will meet fascinating new people who will bring you leverage in your social status. Your affirmation this year is, “I receive.” There’s so much good karma coming in for you in 2023. Themes of entrepreneurship, business, and risk-taking. The Aries eclipse is arming you with enthusiasm and determination. Many will be asking, “who’s this new Virgo?” as you step into a leadership role this year. This year is encouraging to put yourself first and ask, “why not me?” Step up and go for it, Virgo. You’ve got this!

To say this is a huge year for you is an understatement, amiga. The October 14th eclipse is happening in your sign. Your inner world has been on the brink of renovation since 2022. Everything from home life to work life has challenged you to revisit if it’s truly fulfilling you or not. In 2023, you’ll confront similar predicaments. It’s a year of going with the flow. As an Air sign of the Zodiac, it’s pretty easy for you to do. But let’s be real, sis. Eclipses pull the rug from underneath and basically say, “hold on for the ride.” It’s a year of deep transformation and change. Think of it as a personal revolution. It’s a chance to re-write your story. Make it memorable. Your affirmation this year is, “I deserve.”

Can we give you a big hug, Scorpio? We’re so proud of you and all your amazing progress throughout 2022. This year is looking to pay off financially. This is a year when you can make huge financial prosperity and feel stability in your material world. Your affirmation this year is, “I am abundance.” You’ll be called to do some soul-searching and explore life outside your immediate world. There’s an emphasis on trying new things this year. Take that road trip and try that new restaurant. It’s a year of exploring and finding fulfillment along the way as you open up your abundance mindset. On a practical note, focus on being of service to others and get involved in charity work. You’ll also be inspired to dig deep into health and nutrition goals. It’s time to reconnect with your mind, body and spirit in 2023.

There are old karmic cycles you’re closing out in 2023. Think of this year as a huge graduation ceremony. You’re moving on from the old and ready for the new. With that, you might feel like self-isolating from time to time. It’s not so much a social year for you but more one of vision mapping your future. This year is encouraging you to trust your intuitive and psychic abilities. You’ll have super strong discernment, and your dreams will be full of messages supporting you in making decisions throughout the year. Your affirmation this year is, “I see.” It’s a year of seeing the truth of matters. Also, helping others see what they may not be able to see. You’ll be sought out for advice, meditation and to lend your wisdom to others. That’s one thing you can always count on a Sag for, their amazing platicas. Thank you for being so giving and philosophical!

We’ve got some good news for you! Pluto is leaving your sign in March of 2023, meaning it will open up a sense of relief for you. Expect 2023 to feel less restrictive and lighter in terms of overbearing expectations and a laundry list of responsibilities. It’s a year of exploration and relaxation. You’ve been taking life seriously since 2008 when Pluto entered your sign. Now, rejoice in leisure and self-care. Your affirmation this year is, “I invite.” What are you attracting and calling into your life? It’s a year of receiving and not so much instigating. You’ve planted the seeds of your intentions, and now watch you manifest as you tap into reciprocity. Money will look better this year. The Mercury retrograde in your sign at the beginning of January gave you a boost of buena suerte and some good fortune. Now watch your empire build. A boost in reputation is coming in, and you deserve it amigues.

Last year you were plenty busy as part of the fixed signs surviving the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses. This year is welcoming big business opportunities and professional achievements. If you’re looking to make a complete shift in your career, this is the year to do it. If you want to expand your professional reach, it’s being favored. In the love sector, your relationships might feel strained. Relationships and friendships could feel neglected this year. Balancing your interpersonal dynamics while building an empire isn’t easy, but it can be done. Your affirmation this year is, “I understand.” At times, Aquarius can be stubborn and uncompromising. This year will ask you to open up to empathy and compassion towards those who mean the most to you. Overall, it’s a powerful year for authority building and recognition. Go off, Aqua!

As the final sign of the Zodiac, you’re used to embodying patience and perseverance. In 2023, it’s a year of abundance. Neptune and Saturn will be in your Zodiac sign next year. This is a year of prioritizing diligence, delegation, and dedication. Focus your efforts on organization and practicality. Saturn rewards effort and hard work. You might little time to play or move far from your roles and responsibilities this year. However, apply yourself to your goals and Saturn is making sure you achieve, believe and receive. You’ll be called to outgrow relationships and situations because you’re leveling up in 2023. It won’t be easy, but letting go is a lifelong soul lesson you’re mastering as a Pisces. We can’t take everyone with us on our journey. Your affirmation this year is, “I meet all with compassion.” You’ve got this, Pisces!

About the Author
Esoteric Esa (Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad)
Esoteric Esa is a writer, astrologer, tarot reader and expert in the spiritual fields. Her work has been published in HipLatina, Mitú, PopSugar and Cosmopolitan as a contributing writer. Her work focuses on eliminating negative misconceptions around taboo subjects in Latinx Spirituality such as astrology, brujería, and decolonial work. She is the host of Better Work Bitch! podcast and creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle deck.
Twitter: @JGAlejandrez
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