Your 2024 Scorpio Horoscope


Scorpio season brings the annual boost of desire and lust to explore the hidden motives of our psyche. A zodiac season ruled by the planet Pluto in modern astrology, this fixed-sign is best utilized for ushering in transformative pursuits that make you quiver with equal parts excitement and the urge for the unknown.

Scorpio governs the organs of procreation, and this is a season where you can anticipate fertility symbolically, but also quite literally dependent on your goals. What desire resides deep within your heart and deep within the womb space? What are you birthing in the now? Allow Scorpio season to cradle your secrets out of the dark and into the light. 

Scorpio season welcomes you with a new moon on Nov. 1st, which makes a pleasant trine in the sky to Saturn. This is the perfect new moon to start projects or initiatives that you had considered hard or that require much effort on your end to persevere through. This is a new moon that will help you feel prepared to conquer obstacles and will make any prior adversity that stood in your way, an obstacle of the past. Go for it, amiga. 

On the 11/11 portal of Nov. 11th, a fun and creative boost can occur for you as Saturn and the moon will be conjunct (sitting side-by-side) in the sign of Pisces. This is a powerful numerology day to consider by engaging in spiritual or artistic rituals, particularly any that allow you to practice stillness or by communicating with your ancestors. It is the season of the muertos, afterall. This is a great day to lean into the divine feminine energy of inspiration and awaken the mantra of “I receive, therefore I am abundant.”

The ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto, will make a momentous transit back into Aquarius where it will sit for the next 20 years marking its journey back into the Air sign on Nov. 19th. The week of Nov. 18th and the day of Nov. 19th are days you might want to consider exploring unconventional ideologies and gaining inspiration from the Aquarian theme of “thinking outside of the box” when you approach both professional and personal matters. 

Let’s get into specifics. Read on for your Scorpio season horoscope for your sun sign and rising sign. Also, remember to tag us on social media with your hot take on your Scorpio season horoscope. 

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising (Jan. 20 – Feb. 17)

You’ll be feeling a huge shift this Scorpio season thanks to Pluto transiting back into your sign where it will stay for the next 20 years. You could feel a deep inner knowing that your life is about to change drastically – if it hasn’t yet already, but in a deeply empowering and exciting way. This is a month where you will gain not only divine insight from your spirit guides, but you will know without a doubt the direction you need to steer your life in. It’s a month of feeling confident with your authentic self. Your aura is also captivating, and you could come across a new soulmate or be asked out in the romance department. Orale!

Pisces or Pisces Rising (Feb. 18 – March 20)

This is a month where much of your focus will be directed to your business if you’re a business owner, or you’ll be tied up with work matters and won’t have much time to spare for your personal hobbies. As much as it might be tempting to neglect making time for play because work is calling, it’s highly advisable you don’t do that. Your plate will be plenty full this Scorpio season. However, you will benefit tremendously by setting a healthy work-life balance and making room for your passion project(s). Children will be a major theme of inspiration. You could feel a deeper connection to your childlike spirit, or if you have children in your life, they will teach you a valuable life mantra, and they’ll be a spiritual teacher for you at this time. 

Aries or Aries Rising (March 20 – April 19)

If you’ve had recent fears or phobias around health matters, or maybe that of someone close to you, this Scorpio season is clearing the air and bringing you positive news. On the other hand, this is a time where you might feel like you have no control over your health, or rather, you need to gain control of your health. This could range from having better quality or sleep or, finally starting a supplement routine to nourish the minerals in your body. Regardless of how you tailor this motive, health is front and center Scorpio season. Remember amiga, health is wealth! 

Taurus or Taurus Rising (April 20 – May 20)

Scorpio season is bringing the spice to your love life! It’s time to insert some fun and sex into your life if you’ve been too busy for your sacral chakra (the energy center of pleasure and our sexual power). Try incorporating rituals that allow you to feel sexy in your own body. This can look like buying new lingerie or practicing self-pleasure manifestation rituals to increase your personal connection to the divine. These rituals will also help your creative flow, and you can anticipate a burst of creative downloads at this time. .

Gemini or Gemini Rising (May 21 – June 20)

You might find yourself becoming the keeper of secrets this Scorpio season. You will have a natural healing presence that is captivating many, and you could find yourself giving counsel to strangers and friends alike. Trust you are providing advice from higher realms of consciousness and you should consider sharing your loving consejos when you are met with the chance to do so. In a more practical sense, you might need to revisit old notes, or invest in a new course, education system or reconnect with a mentor in order to refine your craft and skill set. Don’t get too hard on yourself as you grow through new extensions of your self-mastery.

Cancer or Cancer Rising (June 21 – July 21)

You’re activating a deep passion for learning this month. You might find yourself interested in the obscure and occult. You could be intrigued by particular and niche subjects that are peaking your interests and allowing you to explore the inner investigative mind within. If you’re into magic, astrology or the witchy parts of life, you could decide to learn about these arts more objectively. Scorpio season is helping you tap into how you view yourself from a perspective of depth and appreciation. You are realizing how interconnected you are to source energy, and you will notice synchronicities more than usual this month. Also, this is a great time to perform offerings to your ancestors and ask for blessings you need their help with.

Leo or Leo Rising (July 22 – Aug. 22)

You are being viewed as a powerhouse this Scorpio season. You are being admired in the professional sector as well. You could come across an important insight that helps your team or department better unlock new possibilities. You could also uncover some hidden truths, maybe in relation to your personal life or in regards to something at work that’s been neglected. You’ll have the cosmic task with needing to present this information for the greater good. This will work in your favor. The truth always prevails, and intentions matter. You are spiritually protected at this time. 

Virgo or Virgo Rising (Aug. 23 – Sep. 22)

This month inquires you to center your partnerships in your life. Especially in business and with professional alliances. You might find you need to cut ties with business partnerships that have run their course. This could look like letting go of outdated programs or platforms that need to be updated by new technology like AI or that could be spruced up by improved integrations that perform better workflow. This could look like transitioning out of a job or into a new area of expertise. This is a month to pivot, exit or explore. Much of your success this Scorpio season comes from how you collaborate with your resources. 

Libra or Libra Rising (Sep. 23 – Oct. 22)

You’ll be facing a lot of unconscious fears head on this month. It might feel big and scary, but there is no doubt you will push through and experience exponential growth and pride for how much you’re challenging yourself to evolve, heal and learn. We want to say in advance, we are proud of you amiga! You’re facing the unknown and you might cry while you do it, but you’re going to do it anyway. There’s some good within this Scorpio season as well. You’re uncovering a deeper form of intimacy with your emotions. You’re transcending old patterns and exhibiting high levels of emotional intelligence. It’s a period of deep spiritual growth, and you’re accessing new psychic abilities as well. It’s time to let go of any lingering trauma bonds.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Happy birthday season, Scorp. We hope you are thriving and shining, because you are deep down inside, everyone’s inspo. You are the dark feminine, the black cat energy, lilith and a walking embodiment of power – of course you’re going to mirror back to others where they need to step into their own power! This birthday season in particular is filled with karmic rewards. Saturn daddy is making nice activations to your new moon on Nov. 1st, and you can expect long overdue justice or prosperity. Any ancestral curses or blockages of the last 16 years are now clearing for you. You will feel lighter this birthday season, so, bask in this glow, baby girl.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising (Nov. 22 – Dec. 20) 

You might find yourself spending sometime this Scorpio season cutting cords, and closing chapters – especially with friendships and social circles. You are moving away from the superficial, and ready to receive more depth in your interpersonal relationships. Transactional relationships don’t thrill you, and you could put some serious pressure on those around you to level up or orbit out. You might find yourself to be extra serious, focused and determined throughout the month. Make room for play, because you are a fire sign, and you need that in order to feel balanced. But, you’ll make great progress this month and could attain some serious recognition.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising (Dec. 21 – Jan. 19)

November is one big sigh of relief for you, Cappy. Congratulations, amiga! Why? You’ve completed 16 years of growing pains and are officially done with karmic cycles that put you through tests that have required your attention by learning how to set boundaries and practicing self-love. You are gaining a deeper connection to your psychic abilities this month and you could be receiving visitations from the ancestors through your dreams this month as well. This month, you might want to focus on taking the pressure off yourself. Literally take a day off this week if you can, or do something unorthodox to let loose like joining a fun dance class or attending an improv show.

About the Author

Jasmin (Esoteric Esa) Alejandrez-Prasad 

Esoteric Esa is a writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and expert in the spiritual fields. Her work has been published in HipLatina, Mitú, PopSugar and Cosmopolitan as a contributing writer. Her work focuses on eliminating negative misconceptions around taboo subjects in Latinx Spirituality such as astrology, brujería, and decolonial work. She is the host of Better Work Bitch! podcast and creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle deck. Connect with her via Patreon at or
    Twitter: @JGAlejandrez Instagram: @esoteric_esa




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